Electronic Binders, Risk Management and Compliance system

Electronic Binders, Risk Management and Compliance system

Joint Commission Survey requirements have significantly changed recently “Required documents that are not available at the time of survey, will no longer be eligible for the Clarification Process”

Consider Electronic binders repository of CRx Risk Management and Compliance System from HCFCompliance. You will have tracking of tasks and deficiencies based on updated Joint Commission required Standards and EPs, inspections checklists, automated triggering of Risk assessment and much more.

CRx is the only tablet based system that tracks everything related to EOC, LS and EM.

  • Activity Dashboard tracks status of what is due and monitor high risks. Allows management to focus on priorities among the endless daily tasks
  • Risk Management Dashboard
  • Inspection capability on tablet. Detailed inspection points for JC mandated items.
  • CRx system prompts to ensure each documents does meet JC guidelines
  • Quickly view at who is responsible for the task and its progress
  • Besides your staff, compliance consultant and vendors can use the system as well.

Contact us for a demo to see how Risk Management and Compliance can be ensured with CRx. www.HCFCompliance.com or email demo@hcfcompliance.com and we will get to you.

Spending time on managing paperwork? Have you thought of documentation management?

It’s time to automate, organize and manage your organization’s joint Commission compliance documents in a much more efficient and reliable way. A key aspect of concern to every healthcare organization is to manage the documentation. It has usually been observed that right around the time of survey there is a lot of workload in assessing the available paperwork, organizing it as per requirements, closure of pending tasks and at times even after a lot of additional hours put in by staff members, companies fear of a mismatch that usually is an outcome of mismanagement of documents all along.

Reference from TJC accreditation regulation Effective Jan 1 2017:

“Required documents that are not available at the time of survey will no longer be eligible for the Clarification Process”

What we offer

At HCFCompliance, our experts understand the necessity for flawless compliance documentation for every healthcare unit and hence we offer Electronic Binders as a useful solution to our customers. It is a sub system of our complete healthcare facility compliance solution.

It automates the process of converting and assembling vast amounts of documents. Data can be arranged within the online binder as per compliance requirements for each chapter of The Joint Commission standards. Each document can be listed as per frequency, with findings, pending tasks and their completion status can be updated, checklists can be maintained. No need to print, sort, purge, scan and file paper, just email it and file electronically against the EP.

We help you to –

  • Minimize paper handling and inefficiencies
  • Reduce documentation management complexities
  • Enhance performance of People and Systems
  • Achieve best results

How do managing online folders / electronic files benefit your organization?

Some initial benefits to our Joint Commissions, EP electronic file organization:

Well organized & efficient management of documents

Managing heaps of paperwork and organizing them as per date, frequency, into files manually etc. is a nightmare, managing your paperwork electronically helps you keep your documents organized, work is more streamlined and easily accessible for internal as well as external surveys. A better managed workflow provides employees with peace of mind and enhances their confidence level to represent the organization during the JC survey and be able to showcase all the documentation in an easy way.

Ready for TJC survey at any time, knowing all documents are there.

Increase in productivity

All tasks related to creating, organizing, finding and analyzing TJC required documentation, information and data are significant time wasters and high costs are now associated with poor data management systems and processes when using paper folders and handwritten inspection. It helps employees effectively manage their time.

Preparing a healthcare facility for a future with Mobile Work Environment

Healthcare organizations are using mobile devices for other function within their work environment and the younger generation is used to these devices. It will increase retention and improve productivity. They will have access to the necessary data to do their job and will not need to depend on any central manual filing system. Having a centralized, well-organized system of accessing data on the shared cloud drive will provide mobile users with the ability to get their work done efficiently at any location within the healthcare facility.

Go digital; save cost, time and environment

From the cost of paper to consumables, paper based systems are more expensive than paperless. Healthcare facilities can also take advantage by freeing up space by eliminating storage shelves, filing cabinets used to maintain facility compliance documents.

Online documents are easier to locate, can be updated and kept intact on a regular basis and don’t require too many hours that goes in filing, managing, organizing, reviewing paper documents. Fear of loss of records is another concern that the organizations come across which may get them do unnecessary rework of tasks adding to further cost and wastage of time. Paper is time consuming to manage; when paper is filed it may not be accurately referenced or misfiled (or in some cases never filed).

Go paperless; Go Green and save the environment. You can save not only the environment but your money at the exact same time by going paperless.

Up skill the knowledgebase on TJC requirements

Clear understanding of TJC requirement, what documents are required provides ease and clarity to each user, and new hires, on how to access required critical compliant documents, data and information quickly. Information can be easily circulated within the organization and be readily provided at the time of survey.

With our electronic solution, avail a secure, affordable way to access and organize your documents.